Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

The Patient Has a Right: 

  • To be treated professionally, with respect, consideration and dignity 
  • To appropriate privacy at check-in, during evaluation and treatment, and throughout their care. 
  • To receive a copy of the Magers Privacy Practices Policy 
  • To interpretation services. If possible, let the Front Desk personnel know at least 24 hours prior to your visit, so we can arrange this 
  • To be provided information concerning their diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a person designated by the patient or if needed to a legally authorized person 
  • To participate in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons, including the choice of treatment plan, as well as the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of these actions. 
  • To have a chaperone present during sensitive exams
  • To be informed of their rights, prior to receiving care 
  • To register complaints, compliments, or suggestions with Magers Health and Wellness staff in person, on the Patient Satisfaction Survey which they will receive electronically, or with the Director, call 417-836-4041. 
  • To choose your health care provider and to change your provider
  • To choose an external source for your radiology, laboratory, or pharmaceutical needs 
  • To complete a living will or other advance directive 
  • To decide not to be treated, and be informed of the medical consequences of refusal 
  • To Patient disclosures and records are treated confidentially, and patients are given the opportunity to approve or refuse their release, except when the release is required by law 
  • To refuse participation in experimental research 
  • To be notified of a change or cancellation of an appointment 

The Patient Has a Responsibility 

  • To provide complete and accurate information about their health and all medications, including over-the-counter products/dietary supplements/herbs, and any allergies and sensitivities 
  • To inform the clinician of any changes in their health status that could affect their treatment 
  • To ask questions and seek clarification regarding areas of concern 
  • To arrive 15 minutes prior to their appointment time 
  • To cancel appointments only when necessary and far enough in advance so other patients may utilize that time 
  • To follow the treatment plan prescribed by their provider, discussed and agreed upon with the provider, and participate in their care 
  • To accept financial responsibility for their charges including any charges not covered by their insurance 
  • To treat all Magers staff, patients, and visitors professionally with respect, consideration, and dignity 
  • To provide a responsible person to transport you home and remain with you there, as directed by the provider or as indicated on the discharge instructions 
  • To inform your provider about your living will, medical power of attorney, or other advance directive that could affect your health care 
  • To provide current contact, billing, and insurance information