HPV Vaccination (Human Papillomavirus)
About HPV
The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. and has been known to cause abnormal Pap test results, in addition to 70 percent of cervical cancer cases and 90 percent of the genital warts. The HPV vaccine protects against four major types of HPV.
The HPV vaccine is offered to females and males ages 9-26 years old, regardless of sexual history. It is most effective if given before the onset of sexual activity, since those who have not been infected with HPV would receive the full benefit of the vaccine series. Males and females who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine since those who have already been infected with one or more HPV types could still get protection from the vaccine types they have not acquired.
The vaccine is given at Magers through a three-dose series. The schedule of doses is as follows:
- First dose (Day you start this vaccine)
- Second dose given two months after first dose
- Third dose given six months after first dose (no sooner than four months after second dose)
For best protection and efficiency, doses need to be on time (vaccine can be give later than scheduled doses but NEVER earlier).
If you have already started the vaccine, bring documentation of your previous HPV vaccinations.
If you have any questions, call Magers Health and Wellness Center’s Treatment Clinic at 417-836-4020 or visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
No appointment is necessary to receive this vaccine. Please check in at the Magers Health and Wellness Center’s front desk.